Monday, 29 September 2014

heading into Fall

it feels as if Summer has filled me with what I needed to come back home this Fall. I feel as lots of things have happened this last year... a long way, away from home, and a long way back. But I feel, I'm arriving, it's home... I let Summer embrace me and invade me, so I can keep the stars and nature for this long Winter to come...

These pictures are taken with my phone, so they're not good ones... but I wanted to share them, they mean some kind of new steps... new way of feeding myself, with some respect for life, I'm thankful for trying, to bring harmony between my thoughts and my body... understanding my feelings, living according to my age, with a young soul, but a serene spirit.

I guess, I'm returning to myself, and loving me a bit better.


  1. That's the way SWEETY... I follow you

    1. bonita!!!!!! sigo aquĆ­, I also follow you from the silent likes! <3

  2. I love these photos! Can feel your mood and happy feelings of you returning home! So beautiful! Love xxx

    1. you really get me girl... thank you so much for though we don't speak much, being always there, I know you are! lots, and lots of love!!!! <3
