Friday, 16 August 2013

bits&pieces of August | part I

One year later, and Summer is back again, and we visit the mountains once more... they look just as stunning as I always remember...

I am pretty emotional lately... kind of all just under the skin, but still, beautiful moments all over the day... here some bits&pieces of August, part I. 

We found this beautiful book named "Wonder", so especial, full of tenderness and love, can't help to share some tears every time we read it! I highly recommend it!!!

Slept in my unties antique shits, they are probably 40 years old, and I just love them!

Cups full of milk from when I was little, berry marmalade from the garden and brioche made by mum... 
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  1. i am overwhelmed at the wonderfulness and beauty of your blog. love love love.

    1. thank you really much for your words! <3 you have a really lovely gallery!!!

  2. Absolutely love the food photos. Beautiful.
